Beginnings Family Services
Your Support Changes Lives. When you donate, you are supporting expectant parents in crisis. You are ensuring that they have access to counselling and resources 24/7. You are providing short term foster care for newborns while parents have time to make important life decisions. Your donations offer them a safe and nurturing environment, a space where they can take the time they need to consider next steps. During a time when stress and fears about the future are paramount, your support helps us provide compassionate connection, counselling, and community resources and most of all – hope for the future. You are changing lives by helping us provide ongoing services for children and families to thrive through many initiatives:
- pregnancy counselling and parenting support
- resources for community service providers
- education and outreach workshops across Ontario
- birth parents support groups and ongoing counselling services
- fostering services
We are always touched to hear when people choose to donate in honour of a special event such as a birthday or celebration or in memory of a loved one. We would love to hear your stories. If you are interested in partnering with Beginnings and/or would like to learn more about how your donation helps, please reach out to us anytime.