Grand Parent Stories
My Daughter is Pregnant
It is an emotional time when your son or daughter tells you about an unplanned pregnancy. You may be overwhelmed, shocked, saddened, and/or angry to learn you are going to be a Grandparent. This was supposed to be an exciting time in your life to share with friends and instead, the timing of this pregnancy is not such a happy event and your son or daughter’s decisions will now affect everyone in the family. If they choose adoption, a child will be raised in another family and there will be feelings of loss to come to terms with.

Dear Beginnings,
I am the mother of Roslyn, who just last year at age 16, found herself pregnant. Through a fabulous counsellor in our community, Roslyn was given many pamphlets on adoption agencies and decided, after meeting you, to follow through with Beginnings.
Shirley, our Beginnings counsellor, met with my daughter and was so wonderful to her and our family. The decision for Roslyn to place her baby for adoption was such a difficult one, but knowing that the adoption would be open gave her much comfort. She knew that giving her baby the life that she was given as a child was the very best for her baby. What an amazing testament of her love for her child—to be so selfless and think only of what was best for her child—it was truly an act of pure love.
Several adoptive family profiles were given to Roslyn to choose from and of these, Dale and Francine connected with her. I could not ask for a more wonderful couple to come into Roslyn’s life. They have embraced her and loved her unconditionally. They have cheered her on and been her biggest fan when it came to her role in the high school play.
They have been there for her above and beyond of what is required of them, and I thank God for them every day. Roslyn is off to University this September and I know that we will not be the only family praying for her while she’s gone! This young girl who found herself pregnant last year will be working overseas with children this year; we’re so proud of everything she’s accomplished!
Your agency does wonderful work and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Truly God’s work is being done through you and I pray that many more individuals/couples like Dale and Francine are blessed with the gift of being parents and that more young girls know that open adoption can be such a wonderful and amazing gift.
Roslyn’s Mother
We do know that open adoption—the opportunity to stay connected with a grandchild through email, photos and visits can reduce the feelings of loss. It is our hope you will fully participate as one of many loving grandparents in your grandchild’s life.
Beginnings can help grandparents with the decisions their daughter or son makes. Call us for more information on the process of private adoption
Grand Parent FAQ
In most cases yes, but it up to the birth parents how much they want to have their parents involved in the lives of their adopted child. The adoptive families are usually eager to have ongoing contact with all members of the birth parents families. The Covenant Agreement can include extended family members in the contact arrangements.
It is an agreement outlining the specific contact arrangements between birth parents and the adoptive couple. The word Covenant means “promise” and implies a commitment on both sides to carry through with the arrangements they are making – for the sake of the child. These agreements are not legally binding, but are considered by Beginnings to be a binding promise to stay in touch.
This is a ceremony that happens at the time a child is placed in the care of an adoptive couple by the birth parent(s). It is an acknowledgment of moving a child from one family to another and honours the role of birth parents in the lives of their children. Each ceremony is unique and reflects what is important to the people attending. Often there is chosen music, a poem or reading, and candle lighting to join the families in their Covenant agreement. Beginnings’ Covenant and Entrustment Ceremony form a foundation for the new relationships created through adoption.
Beginnings can provide information on the definition of a legal parent, and will speak to fathers about their options and rights. If they agree to sign consents for adoption, all forms and papers will be reviewed with him prior to signing. At the time of signing consents for adoption, an appointment will be made with a lawyer familiar with private adoption who will offer independent legal advice and be available for any questions your son may have.
Open adoption involves ongoing communication and contact between the birth parent (s) and the adoptive parents including the child. This can take the form of letters, emails, text messages, phone calls, and/ or visits. The amount of contact is negotiated between the parties and varies from one situation to another. Beginnings believes openness is good for a child as it allows him or her to maintain relationships with important people in his or her life; as he or she grows older, openness allows access to information about his or her origins and background and to any other siblings he or she may have.