Information for

Embryo Donors

What are the requirements in becoming an Embryo Donor?

  • Have a minimum of two embryos remaining
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Have your embryos stored at either a Canadian or American fertility clinic
  • Your storage fees must be up to date at your facility
  • If you have used a sperm or egg donor, be able to obtain the original consent documents from your fertility procedure to ensure that you are legally able to donate any remaining embryos to another family

Have more questions? Feel free to email us at

Learn More about the Donor Process

Mary and the team at Beginnings were so great to work with and very sympathetic to our situation.  We would highly recommend Beginnings to any couple, like us, who might be out of steam to keep growing their family but may have frozen embryos remaining.  What a great opportunity they facilitate to honour life and to help couples struggling with infertility.

 N & V (donors)

After giving birth to our beautiful twin boys, it was not an option for us to destroy our remaining embryos.  We were matched through Beginnings and were thrilled that the recipients became pregnant, and recently delivered a healthy baby boy. We wanted to help a couple with fertility struggles, because we know the struggle of infertility and the joy of successful treatments.

E & D (donors)

This is my daughter’s “pod family” and without Beginnings this could never have happened. Thank you! I’m so blessed with my daughter but I’m also blessed that she could have siblings and a relationship with them.

 N (donor)

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    Have Questions?


    What is embryo donation?

    Embryo donation involved the transfer of a human embryo from an individual or family that has completed their own IVF journey (the donor(s)) to an individual or family that is hoping have a child (the recipient(s)/intended parent(s)).

    How does embryo donation differ from egg or sperm donation?

    Unlike embryo donation, neither egg nor sperm (gamete) donation procedures result in the birth of a child.  Embryos are established entities which, given “appropriate conditions”, can lead to the birth of a child. According to Canadian law, embryos represent more than sperm and egg (gamete) but less than a living child because “appropriate conditions” are still required.

    How does embryo donation differ from surrogacy?

    Embryo donation is not surrogacy. In a surrogacy arrangement, an agreement is made for a person with a uterus to carry a pregnancy on behalf of the intended parents. The surrogate may or may not have any genetic link to the child they are carrying but is considered the birth parent when a child is born.  With embryo donation, the donor(s) relinquish all rights to the embryo and resulting child after the legal agreement has been signed. With embryo donation, a recipient carries the embryo to term and becomes the delivered child’s birth parent.

    How does embryo donation differ from infant adoption?

    Embryo donation differs from infant adoption because:

    • Donation relates to the medical and legal transfer of tissue between patients.
    • Embryo donation involves a medical procedure to transfer genetic tissue (the embryo) created by 2 parties (the donors and/or the gamete providers used by the donors) to a recipient. If successful, a child is born to the recipient. Since the recipient gives birth to the child, they are considered the birth and legal parent of the child.
    • Adoption is a process that involves the legal transfer of parental rights and responsibilities from the birth parent(s) to the adopting individual or couple. Consent for adoption cannot be given until after the birth of the child.
    • Canadian law accords a lesser legal status to embryos than that of children. Accordingly, the term “donation” is used for the sake of clarity.
    Can recipients pursue successive pregnancies using embryos that remain?

    Yes. If a pregnancy is achieved using one of the donated embryos and others still remain, they can be used at a later date in pursuit of future pregnancies.

    Does Beginnings work at the outset with individuals/couples engaging in IVF treatments who want to pursue embryo donation?

    The decision to donate embryos is typically made after individuals or individuals/couples have completed their own families and have surplus embryos remaining from their IVF treatment and not at the start of treatment. As part of our counselling services, Beginnings can assist individuals or individuals/couples making decisions about IVF treatment and any surplus embryos created and stored.

    In the event of one partner’s death, can the remaining partner donate embryos to Beginnings for placement?

    If the remaining partner has the sole right to make decisions, and/or has a legal consent signed by the deceased partner, for the stored embryos and can provide the required medical history, then it may be possible to donate these embryos to recipients. It means there will only be one donor parent involved in the open relationship with the recipient couple.

    Does Beginnings facilitate the donation of embryos created using donated sperm or eggs?

    Yes. Although Beginnings prefers to work with non-anonymous donors, we are able to work with donors who have used anonymous or identity release gamete donors, where there are no restrictions on doing so. If you have utilized donated sperm and/or eggs, we encourage you to review your donor contracts to ensure that you have the legal right to donate your remaining embryos to a recipient.

    Does Beginnings work with embryo donors and recipients throughout Canada?

    Yes. Beginnings can work with embryo donors in any province or territory across Canada.

    Does Beginnings work with embryo donors and recipients outside of Canada?

    No. Beginnings works with embryo donors and recipients solely residing in Canada but if a Canadian donor has used an out of country fertility clinic, the embryos could be brought to Canada.

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