
Adoption Information Sessions

We believe that we have a responsibility not only to those we serve, but also our community.  As such, Beginnings continues to offer education and outreach services to respond to the growing need for information and education about private adoption.  As we continue to receive requests for support, education and consultation from community agencies who are working with pregnant women and their partners, we recognize there are critical factors involved in ensuring information related to adoption is provided in an accurate and responsible manner.

In an effort to provide support, education, and training to as many agencies as possible, we are offering outreach and support to pregnancy care centres, maternity homes, and hospitals across the province in many different formats.  Available services include:  one-on-one consultation with a trained staff member, adoption education workshops (virtual options available), and additional clinical training services tailored to the needs of staff and volunteers.  Call or email us anytime to inquire about options.

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